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Dr. Valerie Riepe is a lecturer of Art and Design theory at University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Hamburg campus. Contact us to know more!

Dr. Valerie Riepe
Subject area: Cultural Studies,Aesthetics,Social Choreography,Theories of Social Inequality,Gender Studies
Campus: Hamburg 1.22
Consultation by: appointment
Campus: Hamburg 1.22
Consultation by: appointment
Dr. Valerie Riepe is a research assistant at UE Hamburg. Prior to her role as a research assistant, she earned her Doctorate, phil.' with the thesis "Choreographies of homogenization: an ethnography of embodiments of sameness in the primary school classroom", Leuphana University Lüneburg in 2019. Her expertise are in Theorizing (in)equalities and cultural and social theory of body and embodiment.
since 2019: Research Assistant at the UE's Art & Design faculty in Hamburg
2019: awarded with the doctoral degree ‘ phil.’ for the research project ›Choreographien der Homogenisierung: Eine Ethnographie der Verkörperungen von Gleichheiten im Grundschulunterricht.‹ by Leuphana University Lüneburg
2013–2019: Doctoral studies at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Leuphana University Lüneburg
2011–2013: MA studies in Educational Sciences (with a focus on learning processes in organisations & aesthetic education) at Leuphana University Lüneburg
2008–2011: BA studies in Social Pedagogy at Hochschule des Rauhen Hauses Hamburg
2019: awarded with the doctoral degree ‘ phil.’ for the research project ›Choreographien der Homogenisierung: Eine Ethnographie der Verkörperungen von Gleichheiten im Grundschulunterricht.‹ by Leuphana University Lüneburg
2013–2019: Doctoral studies at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Leuphana University Lüneburg
2011–2013: MA studies in Educational Sciences (with a focus on learning processes in organisations & aesthetic education) at Leuphana University Lüneburg
2008–2011: BA studies in Social Pedagogy at Hochschule des Rauhen Hauses Hamburg
2021: ›Choreographien der Homogenisierung. Zur Verkörperung von Gleichheiten in der Grundschule.‹ Published by transcript, Bielefeld.
Journal articles
2019: ›Praktiken der Homogenisierung. Soziale Choreographien im Schulalltag.‹ In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 5/2019, p. 669–691 (with C. Dietrich).
2017: ›Resistant agency in German lessons in primary education in Germany.‹ In: Ethnography & Education, 2/2019, p. 136-152 (with A. Wischmann).
2021: ›Choreographien der Homogenisierung. Zur Verkörperung von Gleichheiten in der Grundschule.‹ Published by transcript, Bielefeld.
Journal articles
2019: ›Praktiken der Homogenisierung. Soziale Choreographien im Schulalltag.‹ In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 5/2019, p. 669–691 (with C. Dietrich).
2017: ›Resistant agency in German lessons in primary education in Germany.‹ In: Ethnography & Education, 2/2019, p. 136-152 (with A. Wischmann).
2018–2019: Doctoral grant from 'ProScience Forschungsförderfonds für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen'
2013–2018: Doctoral grant from Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
2009–2013: Scholarship from Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
2013–2018: Doctoral grant from Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
2009–2013: Scholarship from Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung