Rent, fees, and going out with friends all cost a lot of money. Here is all you need to know about how much you can earn as a student in Germany in 2025.
At times as a parent, it can feel as if you are the one pursuing higher education, learn how to answer the most difficult questions today to give your child the best chance of success.
Have you ever been ghosted by an employer after applying for a job? Why does this happen and how can you increase your chances of hearing back from a job application?
The University of Europe for Applied Sciences collaborates with British artist LUAP The students’ projects: Inclusion and Diversity Featured within the Pink Bear Pavilion is the project “Sinnentaumel” by UE alumna Fenja Rebell, which delves into the perception of colours and sensory experiences, and exploring methods to make them accessible to children with visual impairments. Additionally,