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Prof. Dr. Jiré Emine Gözen, Vice President of International Affairs and University, Professor for Media and Cultural Theory, Campus Berlin

Subject area: Media culture studies, Media theory and aesthetics, Visual Culture Studies, Postcolonial theories, Gender and queer studies.
Campus: Berlin
Consultation by: Appointment

  • Winter semester 2024/25: Online Lecture Series “CROSS-CULTURAL APPROACHES TO DESIRABLE AI“ (collaboration between The Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence/Cambridge University, Universität Bonn, Todai University Tokyo und the University of Europe for Applied Sciences).
  • 15th Oct 2024: Lecture at the Johannes Kepler University Linz “SOCIOTECHNICAL IMAGINARIES Epistemological challenges and their counter-designs”
  • 1st Nov 2024: “Imagined futures and real distortions: Perspectives on AI and its interconnections”, Chukyo University Nagoya at the DAAD Regional Lecturers’ Meeting Japan
    Panel Chair: “Embodied AI and Human-Robot Interaction” Roundtable Chair: “Concepts for Desirable AI Futures” in Tokyo

Prof. Dr Jiré Emine Gözen teaches at the Faculty of Art and Design, focusing on media and cultural theory. She has also been Vice-President International Affairs and University since October 2023. Since September 2021, she has been the elected Chairperson of the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (Society for Media Studies).
Her focus is on media cultural studies, media aesthetics, cultural studies, and visual culture informed by perspectives from gender and queer studies as well as postcolonial theories. After working for several years at art institutions in Japan (Mori Art Museum, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Design Festa Gallery), her research is currently dedicated to narratives and discourses on human-machine relations, future technologies, and posthumanism; the visual construction of "subversive" masculinity (a critical focus here is Playboy) as well as mimicry in politics and science.
Since 2023, she has been cooperating with Dr. Celia Spoden from DIJ Tokyo as part of the research cluster "Digital Transformation - Discourses, Strategies and Processes." The first joint event on “Human-Machine Interaction and Responsibility” (DFG) and a workshop on “Discursive and material dimensions of the digital transformation: Perspectives from and on Japan” (DIWH, NIRA) took place in March and September 2023 in Tokyo.
Transcript Verlag published her monograph "Cyberpunk Science Fiction. Literary Fictions and Media Theory" in 2012. Current issues and publications include "MATRIX | マトリックス | 母型 : Rei Naito and William Gibson hallucinating the Posthuman" (2023), issue 26 of the Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft with a focus on the intertwining of racism with science "X|Kein Lagebericht" (2022) and the two consecutive articles “Von Jake Angeli, Qanon und den Wilden Kerlen. Das Spiel mit der Mimikry“(2021) and „Trumps Mimikry, Das ästhetische Subjekt als Träger von politischer und kultureller Bedeutung “ (2020).
The current lectures "„Sweet home working: Utopian concepts of house and gender now and then“ (University of Reykjavik) and " Art and literature as a method of knowledge production on the risks and potentials of AI and Human Machine Interaction“ (Honda Research Institute Saitama) as well as "From "Data Made Flesh in the Mazes" to "A Vessel that Accepts Nature as It Is": On a Metamorphosis of Thinking about the Future in Experimental Assemblages" (Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung) took place by invitation. In March 2024, she is invited to lectures at the "B’AI Forum" of the University of Tokyo and the "Relationships in Human-Machine Interaction" workshop organised by the DFG and DIWH.
In 2021, she was responsible for conceiving and managing the project ""Arriving - Without Words" (funded by the Stifterverband and Klaus Tschira Foundation in cooperation with ZEIT Verlag) at UE.
She is an active member of the Forum Antirassismus Medienwissenschaft and has been responsible for editing GAAAP_ The Blog of the Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft (Journal for Media Studies) together with J.-Prof. Dr Katrin Köppert (HGB Leipzig) since 2022.
  • Since 10/2023 Vice-President for International Affairs and University Development
  • 2023 Interim professorship for the Chair of Digital and Audiovisual Media, University of Bayreuth
  • since 2022 Professor for Media and Cultural Theory at Campus Berlin, UE
  • Since 10/2021 elected Chair of the Society for Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft)
  • 2019 – 2021 Concept, organization and lead of the project “Arriving. Without Words“, funded in the context of “One University – One Book” by the Stifterverband and the Klaus Tschira Foundation in cooperation with ZEIT Verlag, prize money for “One University – One Book”
  • 2019 – 2021 External supervision and co-direction of the critical diversity project “Ich seh’ was, was Du nicht siehst…” at the Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
  • since 2019 Professor for Media and Cultural Theory at Campus Hamburg, UE
  • since 2014 Founder, managing director and co-owner of the company Club Mate Meşrubat Dağıtım ve Pazarlama Ticaret Ltd, Istanbul/Turkey
  • 2012 – 2018 Lecturer and module leader “Interculturality” at HMKW Berlin
  • 2010 – 2011 Mori Art Museum Tokyo/Japan; Curatorial Department
  • 2010 3331 Arts Chidoya Tokyo/Japan
  • 2009 DAAD scholarship holder in the programme “Language and Practice in Japan”
  • 2008 Design Festa Gallery Tokyo/Japan
  • 2006 – 2018 Teaching assignments at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, International University Bad Honnef, Braunschweig University of Fine Arts, University of Cologne, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, among others
  • 2003 – 2004 Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-University; work at the Institute for Psychoanalysis

Academic education

  • 2006 – 2009 Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Department of Media and Cultural Studies, PhD on “‘The sky above the port was the colour of television,…’ Literary fictions and media theory” (summa cum laude)
  • 1999 – 2004 Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, M.A. in Theatre-, Film- and Media Studies with minors in German Studies and Psychoanalysis

Memberships and other activities

  • Member of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies
  • Member of the Society for Media Studies
  • Member of The Cyberpunk Culture Research Network
  • Expert reviewer (Vertrauensdozentin) of the Hans Böckler Foundation
  • Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Posthumanism
  • Scientific advisor in the research project “Strangers in one’s own country? A Study on the Changeability of National Narratives with the Help of Political Laboratories”.


  • 2011 Funding approval for the dissertation by VG-Wort
  • 2009-11 DAAD scholarship “Language and Practice in Japan.”
  • 2006-09 PhD scholarship of the Hans Böckler Foundation

  • Imagined futures and sociotechnical imaginaries: How popular culture, literature, film, and art shape ideas of future technologies, artificial intelligence, and posthumanism
  • Human-robot interaction in care. Investigating cultural differences in the use and acceptance of robot-assisted care between Japan and Germany
  • Visual construction and mimicry of subversive masculinity (with a focus on Playboy magazine)
  • Signs of migration: On the visuality and semiotics of flight, migration, and arrival in graphic novels
  • From local to global: The cultural and artistic practices of Biennales and Art Festivals in Japan as a strategy to carry on cultural memory.

