Why do we buy so much food in plastic packaging? Why is it so difficult for us to translate knowledge about climate change into necessary action? And: Why do so many people actually not get vaccinated? In short, why are such urgent questions often not followed by action?
Take vaccination, for example: The low vaccination rate and the lack of willingness to vaccinate in Germany are discussed everywhere. The “vaccination campaign” is declared a failure and the “compulsory vaccination”, which has been discussed intensively and emotionally for several weeks, is declared the most effective way out of the pandemic.
But why has the vaccination campaign actually failed? Were all possibilities and, above all, all means exhausted?
No, says Prof. Johannes Kiessler, head of the “Innovation Design Management” course at the Campus UE Innovation Hub of the University of Europe for Applied Sciences in Potsdam.
“People have simply forgotten or ignored in the most important “campaign” of recent decades – the vaccination campaign – what has been successfully applied worldwide for many years in product design, marketing, advertising and innovation: in-depth, qualitative user research,” explains Kiessler. “Communicating the scientific facts alone has not yet succeeded in motivating enough people in Germany to vaccinate. That’s why we should now use research approaches from Behavioural Design (also: Design for Behavioural Change) to try to find out the reasons for the lack of willingness to vaccinate and get people to rethink,” Kiessler continues.
As head of the “Innovation Design Management” course, UE Professor Johannes Kiessler can provide exciting and valuable impulses, ideas and inspiration as to what contribution “Behavioural Design” can make to increasing the willingness to vaccinate and thus to increasing the vaccination rate.
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Do you have any press release related questions?
Please refer to Jessica Carolin Barthel-Jelkmann at jessica.barthel@gusgermany.de.