Study with us Career Centre

Career Development Centre

We help our students to gain their first professional work experiences.

Career Development Centre

The Career Development Centre of University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) serves as an interface between the university and commercial enterprises. There are two elements to its service:

1. JobTeaser is the new career portal for students. The Career Development Centre guides students along their path from enrollment to employment, and supports them with their internship and career plans.

2. The Career Development Centre comes up with and implements initiatives with the aim of generating interest among commercial enterprises in the university and its students, and provides individual services to strengthen contacts with HR decision-makers. The Career Development Centre offers different channels of communication between enterprises, students, and alumni.

Offers for Students

The Career Development Center supports you as a student in answering all your questions surrounding your application, internships, and career goals. You can choose from various services on offer:

One-to-one meetings are held to develop ideas on how internships and additional student activities can be planned and structured to achieve specific ends. Each application is different; requirements vary. At the Career Development Center, you can discuss your personal career plans in a one-on-one talk, get feedback on your application, and clarify any open questions. 

Our career experts will help you develop necessary skills so that you are able to fulfill the requirements of the application process competently.

To prepare them for entering the workplace, students are offered an extensive advisory and coaching session. The main purpose of the Career Development Center is thus to support and guide. The Career Centre regularly gives workshops on the following topics:

  • Professional applications
  • Job interviews
  • Preparation for recruiting fairs
  • Preparation for the Assessment Centre
  • Preparation for salary negotiations

Thanks to frequent workshops, events, and recruiting fairs, our university offers outstanding opportunities for establishing valuable contacts to companies in the creative industry – even during the studies. At the annual Alumni Day, various enterprises – such as media companies, publishing houses, agencies, production companies, and start-ups – are visiting our campus to introduce themselves to both students and graduates. These first contacts often lead to internships or initial employment opportunities. 

Once part of the family, always part of the family: UE Alumni

The Career Development Centre is also the university’s point of contact with Alumni e.V. the Alumni Mentoring Programme. This is a joint initiative of the Alumni Association and the Career Centre. Past students mentor present students, answer questions, and support them in building up their network. The Career Development Centre sets up tandem arrangements between alumni and students, and regularly organises events or joint initiatives, including outdoor team training, a caving expedition and the Alumni Day. The aim of all joint activities (whether they take place on campus in Iserlohn, Berlin, or Hamburg, or are an off-campus, after-work event) is to support and expand the network between alumni and students.