
UE Peer Leader Network

Become a peer leader and sign up today!


UE Peer Leader Network

Would you like to help new students adjust to the UE campus environment so that can succeed at UE? The UE Peer Network is a win-win for you! New students learn from experienced students who understand the university and campus inside and out, while experienced students develop mentoring skills, leadership skills, communication skills and deepen their understanding of their own university as peer leaders. 

UE peer leaders have a variety of responsibilities that involve helping new students succeed and thrive at the university. Giving 2 hours weekly of your time, you will meet collectively or individually with students to provide insights into managing student life on Campus and within the community, and to share your academic experiences on how best to succeed as a student at UE. In addition:
  • Answer questions about the university and life as a student.
  • Share their academic journey experience as a student
  • Create opportunities for Erstis to meet new people and have fun.
  • Provide referrals to services available on campus.
  • Share information about campus events and activities on campus.
  • Plan your own individual events and activities with the students.
  • Help Erstis achieve personal success through planning and goal setting.
  • Attend monthly check-ins with the Peer Leader Coodinator
  • Attend and carry out assigned responsibilities during new student orientation (Ersti Week) – Support the University in other student activities during the semester

Yes!  The Peer-Leader-Training prepares Peer Leaders to fulfil their responsibilities effectively and support their Erstis throughout their academic journey. By providing peer leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge, the UE Peer Leader Network helps create an inclusive community that supports the success and well-being of all our students.

- Confidentiality and Privacy 
- Consent culture and anti-bullying culture
- Public safety on and off campus 
- Communication skills
- Documenting meetings with the students
- Event planning 
- Effective meetings one-on-one and as a group with new student mentees and your Peer Leader colleagues
- Time Management
- A Signed contract for commitment of time, responsibility and fulfillment of your duties

- Be a full-time student currently registered in a study programme at UE.
- Be in good academic standing.
- Sign up for one semester (this does not include time as a volunteer).
- Participate in Ersti Week before the lectures start.
- Ability to offer a positive, welcoming role model as an ambassador of the UE community.
- Ability to communicate effectively and listen to mentee concerns.
- Problem-solving skills to answer student queries.
- Good organisation and time management skills.

To mark the end of the peer leader's role for the semester, we host a celebration to honour their outstanding contributions. The peer leader is presented with a certificate of appreciation, and there are refreshments to enjoy. It is an evening of recognition and merriment!

Applications for this semester have closed, they will open for next semester. You will receive a € 500 saving on your tuition for your efforts in this very important leadership role. A UE Programme Coordinator is available at each UE Campus. Or you can contact Kenmichael Stafford (Program Coordinator) kenmichael.stafford@gusgermany.de | UE Campus Berlin.

Meet our Peer Leaders!

Meet some of our peer leaders and see what they can help you with. Check this video out if you want to become a peer leader and pay it forward!