a room full of books and people

UE Library

Information resources and services for your study, teaching, and research.

UE Library

UE Library is the main provider of knowledge resources for students and faculty at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences. Following an e-preferred strategy, we provide access to electronic resources such as e-books and e-journals through a diverse range of databases. UE Library offers its e-books via the portal Ebook Central (EBC). All metadata are in our catalogue, the actual access however takes place via EBC. In order to access EBC, you will need a separate registration using your institutional e-mail address. Should you not be able to be on campus, UE Library will create an account for you.

Service hours

Day of the week | LocationBERLIN*HAMBURGISERLOHN
Monday9 am – 6 pm11 am – 4:00 pm9 am – 2 pm
Tuesday10 am – 3 pm1:30 pm – 4:00 pm1:30 pm – 6 pm
Wednesday1 pm – 6 pm 
Thursday10 am – 4 pm11 am – 2 pm1:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Friday9 am – 2 pm 9 am – 2 pm

*The Library at Berlin Campus is open daily as a workspace for students.